Saturday, May 30, 2009

Life - the IT experience

The collection of experiences that are summed up as life, got a new number into the equation - mine at least - the lesson learned of it was this - often the simplest solution is the best. OK my 'problem' was my laptop -my LAN card (NIC) and sound didn't work to complicate matters the problem was not consistent - so like all God fearing laptop users I go to a repair shop (ashamed as I'm doing ICT), he just looks (or so it seemed) at the laptop and says its a driver problem, obviously i don't believe him but ask him to repair it anyway. Later I go back and check on my laptop, he's like it's done. On my defense i formatted my laptop twice - no permanent solution, then thought the problem is in my BIOS or even worst my motherboard. But actually it's just a matter of drivers ;-(... well till now no I'm waiting...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

mmm...couldnt think of a title

Well as usual I'm too lazy (and not creative enough) to post frequently, newayz couple of weeks into college and I'm still lazy (nothing new there).

Did You Know ???

I've come across the phrase 'riding shotgun' in one of Tom Clancy's books and also in Taylor Swifts song 'Our Song', anyway it means ::

'To travel as an armed guard next to a vehicle's driver. Latterly, (chiefly in the USA) - to travel in a car's front passenger seat.' []

It correctly states ' travel in a car's front passenger seat.' because it's most commonly used as this nowadays (though in Tom Clancy's book it meant the previous).

Newayz if your obsessed with knowing the history of words you can also try

Some Stuff this Week

Well not this week but veronicas have come out with a new music video 'Untouched'... I think they have tried to give the video a gothic feel...I'm not sure what they tried but for the most part they suc...ceded for a mainstream music duo.

Anyway Star Trek came out last week, the review from Rotten Tomatoes were quite positive. Sadly I have not yet watched it, so no personal reviews.

Angels and Demons has come out this week in most countries, and reviews are not yet out and I have not watched it yet. But I won't be expecting much, the trailer [watch this as well] seems nice, but... I read books and distrust its conversion into movies (in no way I'm I say i don't like them ;-)) I don't have high expectations (then I won't be disappointed if it's bad, and even if it's OK I'll be excited).

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Me; lazy ole me

Well the fact that it took me about 8 days just to come up with some thing (during the holidays - times that the word 'boredom' cannot be used to as an adjective for fear of understating) stands testimonial to my highly developed skill of acedia. Anyway after profound thought that I have given to the direction that I should blog in, I have found the conclusion - I don't know.

OK that was a lie - which one? - a bit of both, firstly I have not given what-so-ever-bit-of-thought about that direction blah-blah, but I have come up with a conclusion - I know you lesser minds may be thinking 'the freak does not know English; first he says he has not thought of it but then goes on in the same breath to say he has come up with a conclusion' I don't know how it feels to think that way but you have my genuine condolences, it's like this : besides my great level of acedia I possess another skill which is my equally-or-more-so developed skill of indecision, these two skills have enormous benefits that are downplayed by popular hearsay, their loss - secondly I know that I don't know for certain but also I know that I know that I have an idea, savvy? (big fan of the Pirates of the Caribbean if you were wondering).

So my great conclusion is ...hah got you...your not going to hear it that easily, first the roots :
before that a folklore poem I heard and came to like:

One fine day, in the middle of the night,
Two dead men got up to fight,
Back to back, they faced each other,
Drew their swords, and shot each other.

get it??? ;-)

Anyway the roots of my conclusion can be found in my past (present continuous actually) attitude of doing my college assignments, I go online search likely paragraphs of information and paraphrase the entire thing (paraphrasing a.k.a. bullshitting is my favorite pastime), so i have decided to do to research on stuff and blog it...There I told it...phew....